Inflow Forecasts for European Countries for Energy Traders (SMHI HYDRO GWh)
SMHI HYDRO GWh predicts potential hydro-energy availability in Twh for all time-scales and will be developed for Scandinavia together with energy trading companies.
Engage end-users
Hydrologists from four energy trading companies have been involved throughout the development process and have had early access to the service on mail and later through (Energy Quantified by Montel) EQs webpage. Uniper have been involved as end user in the Clara project and have been giving feedback and had demands on 15-day forecasts rather than the initial 10-day forecasts. Our clients Fortum and Statkraft have also been giving feedback on quality and presentation. Our partner EQ has been involved in the setup of the models with indata and quality check.
Trading on the Nordic and European energy market calls for in-depth knowledge of water availability in the countries with major hydropower production. SMHI Hydro GWh gives you inflow forecasts in GWh for the coming 15 days for Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. 15 day forecasts and historical modelled values expressed in GWh on Inflow, Efficient precipitation, Soil water and Snowpack are updated twice a day and presented on the EQ Webpage in graphs, tables and can be extracted in excel format.
Inflow forecasts for more European countries and long range forecasts are yet to come. You can choose to see the information in daily or weekly resolution. The results are based on the European hydrological model – EHYPE that is under continuous development at SMHI. Recalibration of E-hype with new subbasin division and a new seamless indata feed which also requires recalibration of all GWh models is in process and will be done during 2020. Forecasts for more countries and long range forecasts for the coming 45 days are other requests from EQ.
Users Benefits are: 1) GWh-forecasts per country and per price area; 2) Daily updates of 15 day inflow forecast for Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia; 3) the ability to take advantage of the hydrological situation and to react swiftly; 5) access to extensive experience in hydrological modelling at SMHI.
SMHI HYDRO GWh is a value-driven climate service. Users are willing to pay for the daily updated forecasts and historical inflow data in GWh together with complementary EQ-data.
Developers team (SMHI)
Ivars Grape, D. Vallot and A. Johnell


Visualization of forecasts on inflow and snow. the graph shows historical modelled values (black line) three months back and forecasts (red lines) fifteen days ahead from today. Four forecast lines shows the two latest days of forecasts compared to normal values. Results on soil reservoir, temperature and net precipitation energy is also produced twice daily and presented per country or price area.